
Emerald Psychological Services Inc. provides a wide range of therapeutic services, counselling, assessments and consultation to children, adolescents, adults, families
and schools.  We offer a broad range of skills, experience and resources to help our clients work towards the enhancement and lifelong maintenance of emotional, intellectual, social, physical and interpersonal well-being.  Each individual, group or family is regarded as unique; therefore, we strive to assist our clients in creating personalized interventions and support.
Emerald Psychological Services Inc.
Why Emerald?
Green Emerald gemstone has long been the symbol of hope. Emerald is believed by many to act as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind and it is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom. Emerald green is the color of nature, life, and balance. It symbolizes self-respect and well-being; it also signifies learning, growth, and harmony. You are welcome to try “Emerald Psychology” if you desire to work on achieving a new state of balance, feel a need for change or growth, freedom to pursue new ideas, or protection from fears and anxieties of life.